Instructions to Authors

Preparation of the manuscript

Manuscripts must be typed in clear, grammatically correct English, free of typographical errors. Submissions that do not adhere to basic standards of grammar and composition will be rejected outright. Additionally, manuscripts featuring faint or illegible text, or subpar illustrations, will be returned to the authors for revision. The author has to send the copyright form; and article in .docx form.

Manuscript Guidelines

Section Details
Abstract Words Limit 200-250 (Unstructured abstract)
Keywords Max. 5-7
Paper Words Limit 2500-3000
Title 50-100 words * on the corresponding Author
Font Times New Roman, Size: 14
Image Must be cited in the text, 300 dpi (JPG format), Caption below the image
Table Cited in the text, Caption above the table, Editable text (not as an image)
Title Page Title of article, E-mail (corresponding author), Affiliation, Contact number
Section & Subsection 1. (Bold) Times New Roman, Size: 12
1.1 (Unbold) Times New Roman, Size: 12
1.1.1 (Unbold) Times New Roman, Size: 12
Line Spacing 1.5 for main text, 1.15 for affiliations
References APA 7th edition, Reference managing software recommended
Citation APA 7th edition
General Consideration Manuscript spell-checked and grammar-checked
All references in the list are cited in the text and vice versa
SI units of measurement used
Conflict of interest statement included
Funding information provided or "not applicable"

Process of Peer Review

The peer review process commences following the submission of your paper to a journal. Subsequently, independent experts in your field will evaluate the validity, significance, and originality of your work.